Operando 25

Operando 25

This one-day symposium will focus on the latest advances in the application of operando techniques aligned with a theme of Observing the dynamics of disorder in functional materials.

Organised by Prof Robert Weatherup, University of Oxford, Royce Research Area Lead for Electrochemical Systems, and Prof Stephan Hofmann, University of Cambridge, this event aims to build an interdisciplinary network of researchers working on operando and in-situ methods and related data analysis and computationally-aided optimisation approaches.

Draft Agenda

10:00 Registration/coffee Set up posters

10:25 Welcome 

10:30 Ivo Utke (Empa)

11:00 Volker Deringer (University of Oxford)

11:15 Speaker to be confirmed

11:45 Lunch - Posters and networking

13:30 Speaker to be confirmed

14:00 Speaker to be confirmed

14.15 Speaker to be confirmed

14:30 Federico Panciera (CNRS/University of Paris-Saclay)

14:45 Aleksandr Radic (University of Cambridge)

15:00 Afternoon refreshments - Posters and networking

15:45 Sarah Haigh (University of Manchester)

16:15 Arno Bergman (Fritz Haber Institute)

16:45 Peixi Cong (University of Oxford)

17:00 Drinks and networking

18:00 Depart


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Please register via this link