Equipment and facilities in the Department of Materials, University of Oxford supported by the Henry Royce Institute
Oxford Nanomech 2024
Oxford Nanomech Conference 2024
9 January 09:30 to 17:00
Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford
Oxford Nanomech Conference 2024
Oxford Nanomech 2024 will be held 8–9 January 2024, at Corpus Christi College, Oxford. This meeting aims to bring together the multidisciplinary small-scale mechanical testing community to meet and share their latest developments and applications. There will a range of invited talks, submitted talks and a poster session. The Plenary lecture will be given by Professor Sir John Pethica.
The meeting will cover advanced developments in techniques and analysis methods, across a range of applications including friction and wear, the effect of chemical environment on mechanical properties, nano or micromechanical methods as applied to energy materials, and the mechanical behaviour of soft matter. This list is not exclusive and we are interested in small scale methods applied to any material or system.
Submissions from early career researchers (graduate students and post doctoral researchers) are especially welcomed. The registration fee of £50 include lunches and refreshments, and a conference dinner in college on the evening of the 8 January. Accommodation is not included but the organisers can recommend various options within walking distance of the college.